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Global Ageing Network members serving the aged

A few Global Ageing Network members share their thoughts on challenges and successes in serving the aged in their own countries.

Care for older adults does not occur in a geographic vacuum, so although the issues that providers in one country face may not be exactly the same as those in other countries, there is still much to be learned from colleagues around the globe.

The Global Ageing Network connects providers and researchers from around the world in order to share information and collaborate with one another. In this spirit of teamwork, LeadingAge magazine interviewed a few aged-care leaders abroad—most of them Global Ageing Network board members—to get an idea of the services they provide and what the aging care landscape looks like in their countries.

Our very own Femada Shamam, CEO at The Association For The Aged (TAFTA) in South Africa & Margaret Van Zyl Chapman, director of strategic partnerships for the South African Care Forum were interviewed.

To read the rest of the article by LeadingAge, click here.

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